Make Music, Not Mines.

How Cultural Exports Could Revolutionize Nunavut's Economy. By Thor Simonsen | Creative Director, Hitmakerz In the last decade, the global music industry has undergone tremendous changes. [Read more...]

10 Favourite Books of 2019

In 2019, I read only 40-50 books. This is very little for me, and for the first time since I began reading in earnest, many of the books were directly related to my music business. Another change is [Read more...]

Favourite Books of 2018

As many of you know, I am an avid reader of books. (Actually I’m a “listener” since I use audiobooks.) In 2018, I was quite busy. I became a Canadian citizen, I got married, and I had a beautiful [Read more...]

The Power of Meditation

Russell Simmons is a very successful and powerful American entrepreneur and author. He made a name for himself in the music business, and is often called the godfather of hip hop. Whenever people ask [Read more...]

The Body Keeps the Score

Trauma is the root cause of crime, poverty, mental health problems, drug abuse, and more. It is arguably the biggest single cause of grief in our society. Trauma is also extremely common, and can [Read more...]