Favourite Books of 2018

As many of you know, I am an avid reader of books. (Actually I’m a “listener” since I use audiobooks.) In 2018, I was quite busy. I became a Canadian citizen, I got married, and I had a beautiful [Read more...]
As many of you know, I am an avid reader of books. (Actually I’m a “listener” since I use audiobooks.) In 2018, I was quite busy. I became a Canadian citizen, I got married, and I had a beautiful [Read more...]
Russell Simmons is a very successful and powerful American entrepreneur and author. He made a name for himself in the music business, and is often called the godfather of hip hop. Whenever people ask [Read more...]
I’ve read more than 80 books this year, guided by topics that have excited me and questions I've sought to answers. I’ve investment about 320 hours of time (3% of my year) and about a [Read more...]
In the last hundred years, due mostly to industrialization, our perception of what food is has become severely skewed. Food has gone from a familiar or communal affair to big business, and the pursuit [Read more...]
Trauma is the root cause of crime, poverty, mental health problems, drug abuse, and more. It is arguably the biggest single cause of grief in our society. Trauma is also extremely common, and can [Read more...]
We have 4 different types of energy: physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual. In order to be our best selves, it is important that we use these energies, and – equally important – replenish [Read more...]
Achieving your goals is a matter of attitude. If you say you can, or if you say you can’t, either way, you’re right. And science can prove it. When you ask the question “can I do this?”, your brain [Read more...]